Soal Olimpiade Akuntansi Perguruan Tinggi


Soal Olimpiade Universitas Trilogi


First Main Round

1. The correct order of presentation in a classified statement of financial position for the following current assets is...

a. Cash, notes receivable, accounts receivable, inventories, prepaid insurance.

b. Cash, inventories, accounts receivable, notes receivable, prepaid insurance.

c. Prepaid Insurance, inventories, notes receivable, accounts receivable, cash.

d. Notes receivable, inventories, cash, accounts receivable, prepaid insurance.

e. Accounts receivable, cash, prepaid insurance, notes receivable, inventories.

Keterangan : 

Pada komponen aset lancar (current assets), akun-akun diurutkan berdasarkan tingkat likuiditasnya.

2. Under PSAK 48 the approach to impairment of assets, an entity can test the impairment of assets for a minimum period of time...

a. Twice in a year.

b. Once a year.

c. Once every 2 months a year.

d. Once every 3 months a year.

e, Once 1 month 2 times.

Keterangan :

Berdasarkan PSAK 48, Pendekatan penurunan nilai aset, entitas dapat menguji penurunan nilai aset untuk jangka waktu minimum setahun sekali, informasi lebih lanjut dapat di download pada link PSAK 48 (informasi mengenai jangka waktu minimum pengujian penurunan asset terdapat pada slide 16)


3. Dior Inc. acquired Spa Corporation in a business combination and Spa Corp went out of existence. Spa Corp developed a patent listed as an asset on Spa Corp's books at the patent office filing cost. In recording the combination… 

a. Fair value is not assigned to the patent because the research and development costs have been expensed by Spa Corp. 

b. Spa Corp's prior expenses to develop the patent are recorded as an asset by Dior at purchase. 

c. The patent is recorded as an asset at fair market value. 

d. The patent's market value increases goodwill 

e. The patent's market value decreases goodwill.

Keterangan :

Paten dicatat sebagai aset pada nilai pasar wajar.

4. When inventory increase, the fixed manufacturing overhead is deferred in inventory under...

a. Absorption costing.

b. Variable costing.

c. Internal costing.

d. External costing.

e. Fixed costing.

5. DBMS is a separate computer program that allows users to create, modify, and efficiently utilize information databases, thus enabling businesses to separate database system operations from accounting application systems. Which includes a DBMS running on a client server system except ... 


b. Microsoft SQL 

c. Alpha 

d. DB2 

e. Oracle


6. The Maju Bersama company has a total taxable income of IDR 1,000,000,000, then the corporate income tax rate that must be paid is… 

a. IDR. 4.500.000.000

b. IDR. 5.000.000

c. IDR. 

d. IDR. 2.000.500.000 

e. IDR. 250.000.000

Keterangan : 25% x IDR


7. If the contribution margin percentage is 20%, the selling price is Rp. 4.000.000, then the contribution margin per unit will be... 

a. Rp. 2.500.000 

b. Rp. 200.000 

c. Rp. 1.200.000 

d. Rp. 2.000.000 

e. Rp. 800.000

Keterangan : 

Contribution margin per unit = selling price x contribution margin percentage.


8. A credit sale of NT$7.500 is made on June 13, terms 2/10, net/30. A return of NT$500 is granted on June 16. The amount received as payment full on June 23 is.. 

a. NT$7.000 

b. NT$6.860 

c. NT$6.850 

d. NT$6.000 

e. NT$6.500


9.  Di bulan Februari 2020, untuk menambah stok yang sudah ada, PT Anugrah melakukan pembelian barang Persediaan sejumlah 100 unit Kaos dengan harga satuan 80.000, belum termasuk PPN. Lalu di bulan yang sama juga, PT Anugrah berhasil menjual barangnya sebanyak 80 unit dengan harga jual 120.000, belum termasuk PPN. Maka perhitungan PPN Terhutang untuk Masa Pajak Februari 2020 adalah... 

a. Rp. 110.000 

b. Rp. 150.000 

c. Rp. 160.000

d. Rp. 180.000 

e. Rp. 200.000

Keterangan :

Pembelian (100 x 80.000) = 8.000.000 x 10% = 800.000

Penjualan (80 x 120.000) = 9.600.000 x 10% = 960.000


PPN Terutang = PPN Outcome - PPN Income

= 960.000 - 800.000

= 160.000


10. UU No. 12 tahun 1985 yang kemudian diubah menjadi UU No. 12 tahun 1994 adalah undang-undang yang mengatur perpajakan dalam hal… 

a. Bumi dan bangunan. 

b. Barang mewah. 

c. Pajak final.

d. Penghasilan wajib pajak.

e. Penghasilan wajib pajak selain gaji. 




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